What are Powers of Attorney & Medical Treatment Decision Makers?

Power of Attorney

Planning for the future is something we should always be doing. One aspect of planning for the future is appointing your own Power of Attorney.

Everyone has the right to make their own choices in life, however any one of us can be taken by illness or become injured to the point that they are unable to make decisions for a certain period of time, or should the illness/injury be particularly drastic, forever.

To aid you should that hypothetical situation occur, you can appoint someone to make important financial and personal decisions for you. This is the essence of an Power of Attorney.

An Power of Attorney is a legal document that lets you appoint someone (an attorney) to make certain decisions of an aforementioned matter for you. Their power to do so carries on whilst you are unable to make decisions.

You can elect your own Power of Attorney, so long as you are over the age of 18. You are only able to pick your own Power of Attorney, you cannot pick anyone else’s. It is also important that you remember this person cannot make any medical decisions unless they are also your Medical Treatment Decision Maker.

Medical Treatment Decision Maker

The Medical Treatment Decision Maker works in the same manner as a Power of Attorney, however it relates only to the medical treatment that you receive in the even that you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

A major difference is that multiple decision makers can be appointed, but only one can act. The person who acts must also be the first in the order unless the previous decision maker has chosen not to act. In considering who will be your decision maker, it is paramount to consider who you believe is capable of making difficult decisions in times of crisis.

Why choose a Wollerman Shacklock Power of Attorney and Medical Treatment Decision Maker?

As the premier legal firm in the City of Casey, Wollerman Shacklock should be your first port of call if you have any more questions about the Power of Attorney and Medical Treatment Decision Makers or would like to discuss your own options in regard to topic.

We have years of experience and can provide you with the right legal advice. If you would like more information about POAs or MTDMs, or if you wish to have one drafted, please contact our office.


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