Casey Cardinia Subdivision

SubdivisionOne of the most important parts of the Australian economy is real estate. If you can make more livable spaces available with the subdivision, you are growing the property market. You are also going to make yourself a bit more cash. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers is the conveyancing law firm that can help you achieve your goals of the subdivision.

One of the most important parts of the Australian economy is real estate. If you can make more livable spaces available with the subdivision, you are growing the property market. You are also going to make yourself a bit more cash. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers is the conveyancing law firm that can help you achieve your goals of the subdivision.

What do I need to know about Subdivision? 

You are ready to go with subdividing, not you need to make sure you are meeting your legal requirements. What are you legally obligated to do by law? In Victoria you are required to comply with Clause 54-56 in the Residential Development Standards (ResCode). This means you must have all the requirements for a living (water, sewerage and electricity). Also, there must only be 1 dwell per lot and it must fit the surrounding landscape/pre-existing homes. If you are able to meet all of these then your subdivision should go through. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers will make sure you are good to go. 

South East Melbourne SubdivisionWho are the Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers?

Over 25+ years, Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers has not only represented their clients, they also choose to work with the community. There has been industry and population increases and through it all, Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers has been there to help. From will and estates, to real estate transfers, new and old business transactions. If you are buying or selling property you need a good representative to act on your behalf. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers can be your team to liaise with the bank and the other legal team. Start your business the right way with advice from Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers. They will steer you in the right direction for success. Whatever legal hurdles life throws at you, Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers are there. 

For more information about what they can do for you, contact Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers today. Get the subdivision profits you know you deserve

Wollerman Shacklock Legal Services

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Wills & Estates


    Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers

    Suite 2, 8 Gloucester Avenue,
    BERWICK, VIC 3806

    Phone: +61 3 9707 1155
    Fax: +61 3 9707 4834