South East Melbourne Subdivision

South East Melbourne SubdivisionThere are so many great reasons to invest in land. If you have an abundance of land with subdivision potential, then moving on this must be a priority. There are a lot of rules and regulations in order to carry out a South East Melbourne subdivision. However, don’t be discouraged as there are people out there to help you get your return on investment. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers are some of those people. They will be the perfect legal partner for your subdivision.

Creating a South East Melbourne Subdivision

Having a rough outline for your subdivision as well as prices in mind is only the first step. When you are subdividing in the City of Casey and surrounding areas, there are a lot of things you need to consider. The property requires the basic necessities for modern living. Namely, you need water, electricity, waste management, entrance and exit points, and accessibility for all motor vehicles to the main road. A subdivision also needs to be laid out in an appropriate way to match the urban landscape and community stylings. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers can help you navigate the paperwork and get you closer to your subdivision.

South East Melbourne SubdivisionThe Wollerman Shacklock Difference

Whether it’s writing your new will or buying a new home, Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers can help you. With over 30 years in the region and more than 60 years of collective experience, you are getting expertise with great service. The team also makes sure you feel comfortable and supported in their South East Melbourne offices.  

Wollerman Shacklock has made a name for themselves by research, representation and results. They are extremely proud of what they have been able to do for their clients for more than a quarter century. If you need help with your estate, will, buying or selling a home or getting your business sorted, put your trust in the best. Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers will work for your future with you. 

Make the most with your investment by getting the right partners onboard. Planning and investing is only as good as the team you have around you. Contact Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers today to provide the legal and planning side of your future investments. 

Wollerman Shacklock Legal Services

Commercial Law


Wills & Estates


    Wollerman Shacklock Lawyers

    Suite 2, 8 Gloucester Avenue,
    BERWICK, VIC 3806

    Phone: +61 3 9707 1155
    Fax: +61 3 9707 4834