What to consider when making a Medical Treatment Decision Maker.

When contemplating commencing an Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker, the matters to consider are:-

  1. Your current health, values and beliefs.
  2. The person or persons you would like to act as your Decision Maker in the event that you cannot make your own medical decisions.. Such a person or persons can be either a close relative or a friend whom you trust implicitly in making medical decisions on your behalf.
  3. Will this person or persons be emotionally able to make such decisions under very stressful and difficult circumstances.
  4. Whether an Advanced Care Directive will assist in the decision making. This document provides family / attorneys with more detailed instructions of your final wishes regarding medical treatment.  Such a Directive should be discussed with your doctor.
  5. It is important that legal advice is obtained to explore fully your intentions and any ramifications.

The Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker is an important document and allows your Decision Maker to make decisions when you do not have the capacity including (but not limited to):-

  • Treatment for an illness;
  • Treatment for an injury;
  • An operation;
  • Dental treatment.

Any decisions made would be in consultation with the appropriate medical practitioner.

If an Appointment and/or Advanced Care Directive is not in place, then partners and family members may make decisions that you may not necessarily agree with if you had capacity.  Further there could be conflict on the family as to what is the appropriate decision .

If you have any queries regarding these documents, please contact our office on 9707 1155 and we would be happy to assist you further.